5 kva Solar Off-grid Power plant | St. Mary's Valiyapalli Kaduthuruthy | Murickens Group | MG

Solar LED Light Manufacturer - Murickens Group Murickens Group is the largest manufacturer of solar inverters and UPSs.All our products have inter national quality certifications Murickens Group Installed 5 kva Solar off-grid system at st. mary's valiyapalli , Kaduthuruthy, Kottayam (Kaduthuruthy Marth Mariam Knanaya Major Archiepiscopal Church). With the Help of the 6kva Solar Power plant, can be Work Air conditioner ( Inverter technology), Washing Machine, Water pump, Tv etc. FLYLINE SOLAR STANDALONE INVERTER Murickens Group has developed a fully automatic sine wave solar stand-alone power generating system for the smooth working of our domestic and commercial, electric and electronic equipment of lower and higher capacity and we can even operate sophisticated equipment which needs a continuous and constant output. It is the most suitable solar power generating unit for the climatic conditions of Kerala as we can connect Solar pow...