Causes and Effects of thunderstorm

Causes and effects of Thunderstorm In this video, We discuss the causes and consequences of thunderstorms. Thunderstorms in the summer are extremely dangerous, with severe consequences. Everyone should be aware of it. Murickens Group manufactures two devices: MG lightning arresters and electric protectors. It is used to shield electrical gadgets from lightning strikes. Are thunderstorms dangerous? Without a doubt, sure. The only remedies are lighting arresters to prevent direct illumination, surge protectors to prevent indirect lighting and electrical protectors. However, even in summer thunderstorms, they are frequently spotted dormant, as the Murickens group clearly shows in this video. Lightning has two major effects on us: direct illumination and indirect lighting. What are the current methods of prevention? All of the current lightning arresters and surge protectors are not designed to prevent high voltage; they are earthed and neutral devices. To do so, the earthing system ...